Karl Johan Hertell
Elected 2002
Karl Johan (Joni) Hertell
Elected Helsinki 2002
In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the International 8-Metre Class over a period extending 30 years, the 2002 General Assembly of the International Eight Metre Association unanimously elected Karl-Johan Hertell as honory life member of this association.
Karl Johan (Joni) Hertell served as president and executive secretary of IEMA for 11 consecutive years and continuously served on the board of IEMA for 21 years. With strong leadership and vision, Joni has been at the roots of the revival of the class as we see it today.
Some highlights of Joni’s life with the Eights
1972: Entering the 8-Metre Class with Silja.
1975: Winner 8-Metre World Cup
1978: Founding member of the International Eight Metre Association
1978-1983: First president and executive secretary of IEMA
1982: 8-Metre Class applies for International status under presidency of Joni Hertell.
1984-1986: Vice President IEMA
1986: Acquires the 8-Metre Iroquois with the Sex Grubbar Syndicate
1987: Executive secretary IEMA
1987-1989: President IEMA
1990-1991: Vice President IEMA
1992-1993: President IEMA
World Cup: Joni has participated in the 8-Metre World Cup in 1975-1978-1982-1983-1985-1986-1987-1988-1989-1992-1993-1995 and 2002.
2018 Joni Hertell, the co-founder of IEMA, was presented with a half-model of Iroquois, which used to hang on the walls of Southampton office of ISAF (now World Sailing).