About Us
We are 8 metre sailors and are so enthusiastic about our class that we like to share all about our class, yachts, races and the locations we sail.
This project started as a start point for a new strategic plan. to promote ownership of an Eight Metre Class Yacht.
Therefore we started collecting
- Regattas news
- Past Regatta results
- Eight Metre Yacht Profiles
- Supportive Yacht Clubs
- Fleet Locations
- Race Locations
This in order to:
- Serve current owners & crew
- Attract new owners
- Attract advertisers for race events
- Motivate owners to get or keep their 8 mR yacht in Racing Condition
And if we try to make these goals quantifiable, in order to analyse how we are doing in our effort of promote the class, we could put a clear goals and every year look at the progress made in the class.
A nice goal would be to get 40 Eight Metre Yachts on average at the start line of world cup events…
This means that all the fleets would be stronger and that current project owners either get their beautiful eight in racing condition once more or realise that they have held this racing horse nearly for the future generation.
To possible owners, I would say contact us and come and visit the races, talk to owners and crew of international racing eight metres and measure the pleasure it gives us all to race and upkeep these stunning race yachts
We could use your help, if you miss information, stories or pictures about eight metre yachts, races or locations please help us complement this website